Would you rather have?



A C6 Z06 (installing H/C/I/E on top of price of car).


A C5 Z06 with a 416 LS3/TFS 245's/Fast 102/EPS 244/256 114+3

The deal is, I already have the 416 LS3. I built it a few years ago for my 2002 WS6. I am now selling the WS6 and the 416 that I put in it was never fired. Just periodically turned over by hand... So it's a 100% fresh motor that should make great power.

I've already had a C5Z and admittedly, it was a blast. It was heads/cam/intake. I can only imagine what it would have been like with this 416 LS3 in it. That's what I'm considering doing now on the one hand.

On the other... a C6Z, which I've never owned. There's about 10-15k difference in the cars it looks like.... so I'm wondering, which would you guys do?

Take the C5 at 10-15k less with the 416 that I already have?

Or just sell the 416 and move into the LS7 C6Z?

I'm stuck.

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