More info on C6 physical key, keycodes and cuts



Continuing from this thread, I learned a lot about the C6 physical keys while trying to figure out how to get into my dead 2011 Grand Sport with both fobs and keys locked inside. I bought a new key from the local Chevy dealer but it did not work and eventually broke inside the trunk lock. Then I tried adding power through the taillight ( and that worked great, and now that I have the old keys (and a photo of the dealer key) I thought I'd share what I learned for anyone else dealing with this.
  • The dealer only needed my VIN and a photo ID to look up the keycode and cut me a key. Same with any locksmith who pays for access to that data. Dealer charged me $100 for a key. A locksmith quoted me $240. But the dealer will also provide the keycode itself for free, which is what I'd recommend.
  • The "keycode" by itself doesn't describe the cuts or key blank to use. You enter the keycode in an app like AutoCode and that shows the rest of the info including cuts (or "bitting") and the blade/blank to be used.
  • For the C6, 2005–2007 years use a B106 blank which is thicker and wider than the bayonet keys you find inside the key fob. This isn't a big deal if you copy an existing key but it's important if you cut a new one by the numbers.
  • Based on other forum posts and my experience with this, the numbers in the keycode don't really mean anything but it's the cuts you want to watch for. A "1" is the most shallow cut and "5" is the deepest. On my key a "1" actually looks like no cut at all, but it works. Depending on the blank and number, you can end up with no cut at all or (in my case) a cut that's so deep it goes into the warding (the ridges through the center) and makes the key liable to break.
  • Even though my car is a 2011, AutoCode tells me to use a B106 blank. I'm not sure why, but that with these cuts would have duplicated my key correctly.

I hope this helps others. Leave any corrections in the comments and I'll revise. Thanks again to @FatsWaller and others who helped me through all this.


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